Post-Easter Thoughts

I get a weekly e-mail on Sundays from my friend Josh which is basically a workout plan that goes out to a bunch of people, but he always attaches a devotional…sometimes deep, sometimes not, but the simple paragraph he sent out with the workout this week is one I have read several times since Sunday, and I wanted to share it with you.

“He has risen!  These is one of the most glorious phrases we will ever hear.  I hope you have had ample opportunity to think, ponder and celebrate the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ this weekend.  There is no greater truth, reality or hope than the gospel of Jesus Christ.  The enmity that existed between God and man is extinguished in the cross for those who believe.  The resurrection vindicates and validates His person and work, while, at the same time, breathing life into believers for power, sanctification and security!  There is no greater apologetic than a man or woman whose life is changed and empowered by the gospel.  For those of you who do not believe I commend you to think about the resurrection of Christ and peer into the wonder of this truth.  For those of you who do believe…I commend you to do the same.”

And speaking of Easter, I highly recommend you checking out Rob Bell’s new video, “Resurrection.”


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