Weekend Links

  • Lacey and I have been watching a lot of the Olympics (we got cable just for the occasion) and we have loved every second (except for when the commentators talk about Michael Phelps not being as good this time around as he was in Beijing). 

  • As far as music to get you in the Olympic spirit, Walk The Moon's lead singer teamed up with French electronic artist, Madeon, for a song airing on NBC during the Olympic coverage. This song is sure to get your fist pumping.

[soundcloud url="https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/53045153" params="visual=true&show_artwork=true&callback=YUI.Env.JSONP.yui_3_17_2_1_1513980014749_61355&wmode=opaque" width="100%" height="400" iframe="true" /]

[soundcloud url="https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/54960391" params="visual=true&show_artwork=true&callback=YUI.Env.JSONP.yui_3_17_2_1_1513980014749_62929&wmode=opaque" width="100%" height="400" iframe="true" /]

  • It is fascinating to find out what programs / apps people use and there is a great collection of that type of information on this site: usesthis.com. I'll try and post something like this soon here for myself but it's fun to discover apps like Freedom and Byword.

  • I was scrolling through Eric Anderson's latest work a few days ago and I need you to go check it out. I love the frame of his below and when you are on his site, you'll lay your eyes on a lot of beautifully shot images.

(Photo by Eric Anderson.)(Photo by Eric Anderson.)

(Photo by Eric Anderson.)


Weekend Links


Jason Fried: Rework