Music: Seth Philpott & "Bad Hearts"

Seth Philpott's newest EP, "Bad Hearts", is out today!

I have been a Seth Philpott fan since 2005. We've played music together. We've shared lots of meals, and lots of laughs. And I can't stress to you how genuine he is as a person, as a writer, and as a performer.

But these new songs are really special. Seth's songs have always impressed me, but this round feels like he has really found his stride.

These songs show hints of Martin Sexton. There is an excitement which comes along with fresh instrumentation, and each song's energy is captivating. Not to mention that his self-described artistic direction of a modern country gentleman is perfectly personified in each track.

You've probably heard me talk about him before as he wrote one of my all time favorite songs called "Here With You".

[soundcloud url="" params="visual=true&show_artwork=true&callback=YUI.Env.JSONP.yui_3_17_2_1_1513973678127_42786&wmode=opaque" width="100%" height="400" iframe="true" /]

My point is: I love his music, and I want you to know about it.

And if you like "Bad Hearts", check out his previous EP, "Good Hearts". I can't urge you enough to support good independent music and buy it.

Check out the video for "Off With My Head" (well done Andrew Hudson!):


Thanks for reading. Enjoy your day and enjoy "Bad Hearts"!




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