2.5 (or so)

I can’t believe it has been about two and a half years since I married the loveliest woman in the world. This is the kind of post that is typically reserved for an anniversary, but I can’t help myself.


The other day, I was driving home and thinking about how truly lucky I am to have married Lacey. Her love, her character, her spirit, her beauty, her servanthood are all to be praised. I am so thankful for her presence in my life and her love for the Lord.

A post on a blog would never be able to contain what I feel for my wife, but I wanted to proclaim to those of you who do read this how thankful I am for the gift of marriage to Lacey. She sharpens me, she challenges me, she loves me…


Lacey’s companionship is the Christmas gift that keeps on giving. Thank you Lacey. I am an incredibly lucky man.

(Top photo by Huy Nguyen, bottom by Sean Walker.)


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